Chinese Reaction to the 1968 Occupation of CzechoslovakiaVydáno dne 10. 09. 2018 (3139 přečtení)PEKING REVIEW, Supplement to 34, August 23, 1968 Chinese Government and People Strongly Condemn Soviet Revisionist Clique's Armed Occupation of Czechoslovakia Premier Chou En-lai's lmportant Speech at Rumania's National Day Reception Total Bankruptcy of Soviet Modern Revisionism Renmin Ribao Commentator * * * A QUATATION FROM CHAIRMAN MAO TSE-TUNG The people of all countries, the masses of the people who comprise more than 90 per cent of the entire population, invariably want revolution and will invariably support Marxism-Leninism. They will not support revisionism. Though some people may support revisionism for a while, they will eventually cast it aside. They are bound to awaken step by step; they are bound to oppose imperialism and the reactionaries of all countries; they are bound to oppose revisionism. From the speech at the 7,000-strong meeting in 1962 * * * Premier Chou En-lai's lmportant Speech at Rumania's National Day Reception Chinese Government and People Strongly Condemn Soviet Revisionist Clique's Armed Occupation of Czechoslovakia
Premier Chou En-lai delivered a speech at Rumania's National Day reception given by Aurel Duma, Rumanian Ambassador to China, on August 23. Following is the full text of the speech: Respected Ambassador Aurel Duma, Comrades and friends, Today is the 24th anniversary of the liberation of the Rumanian people from the yoke of fascism. On behalf of the Chinese people and Government, I extend warm congratulations to the Rumanian people and Government. Twenty-four years ago, the Rumanian Communist Party led the people in an armed uprising to overthrow the reactionary Antonescu regime, thus opening a new chapter in Rumanian history. Making use of their national resources and relying on their own efforts, the Rumanian people and their leaders have scored significant successes in the cause of building their motherland in the past 24 years. We wish the Rumanian people new successes in the struggle to defend and build their motherland with greater industry and courage. Comrades and friends! A few days ago, the Soviet revisionist leading clique and its followers brazenly dispatched large numbers of armed forces to launch a surprise attack on Czechoslovakia and swiftly occupied it, with the Czechoslovak revisionist leading clique openly calling on the people not to resist, thus perpetrating lowering crimes against the Czechoslovak people. This is the most barefaced and most typical specimen of fascist power politics played by the Soviet revisionist clique of renegades and scabs against its so-called allies. It marks the total bankruptcy of Soviet modern revisionism. The Chinese Government and people strongly condemn the Soviet revisionist leading clique and its followers for their crime of aggression — the armed occupation of Czechoslovakia — and firmly support the Czechoslovak people in their heroic struggle of resistance to Soviet military occupation. Over a long period of time, modern revisionism with the Soviet revisionist leading clique as its centre has been beset with internal contradictions and riddled with crises. The aim of the Soviet revisionist leading clique in brazenly invading and occupying Czechoslovakia is to prevent the Czechoslovak revisionist leading clique from directly hiring itself out to the Western countries headed by U.S. imperialism and to prevent this slate of affairs from giving rise to uncontrollable chain reactions. This is the inevitable result of the great-power chauvinism and national egoism practised by the Soviet revisionist leading clique: it is the inevitable result of Khrushchov revisionism practised by the Soviet revisionist clique of renegades over the years. Discarding all its fig-leaves, its so-called "Marxism-Leninism." "internationalism," etc., the Soviet revisionist leading clique has brazenly resorted to direct armed aggression and intervention and is trying to create puppets with the help of guns. It is exactly the same as Hitler of the past in his aggression against Czechoslovakia and U.S. imperialism of today in its aggression against Vietnam. The Soviet revisionist clique of renegades has long since degenerated into a gang of social-imperialists and social-fascists. The Soviet revisionist leading clique has all along pursued the counter-revolutionary policy of U.S.-Soviet collaboration for world domination. Since the Glassboro talks, not to mention anything earlier, U.S. imperialism and Soviet revisionism have struck a series of dirty deals on such important questions as Vietnam, the Middle East and the prevention of nuclear proliferation. The present Czechoslovakia incident is no exception. It is the result of the sharpening contradictions in the scramble for and division of spheres of influence by U.S. imperialism and Soviet revisionism in Eastern Europe; it is, moreover, the result of the U.S.-Soviet collusion in a vain attempt to redivide the world. The aggression by Soviet revisionism was carried out with the tacit understanding of U.S. imperialism. Since U.S. imperialism has acquiesced in the invasion and occupation of Czechoslovakia by Soviet revisionism, how is it possible for Soviet revisionism to oppose the forcible occupation of south Vietnam by U.S. imperialism? In fact, Soviet revisionism has long become the No. 1 accomplice of U.S. imperialism in its aggression against Vietnam and the rest of the world. That a big nation should have so wilfully trampled a small nation underfoot serves as a most profound lesson for those harbouring illusions about U.S. imperialism and Soviet revisionism. The armed aggression by Soviet revisionism has brought calamity to the Czechoslovak people, but it has also educated them, enabling them to realize gradually that revisionism is the root cause of this calamity. This is likewise a very good lesson for the people of the Soviet Union, the other East European countries and the rest of the world. Our great leader Chairman Mao has long ago pointed out: "For a while some people may not see things clearly or may be hoodwinked or may commit mistakes, but so long as they want to make revolution, having once understood the true situation and seen revisionism in its true colours, they will eventually break with revisionism and come over to the side of Marxism-Leninism in the course of their revolutionary practice." We are convinced that the Czechoslovak people with their glorious revolutionary tradition will never submit to the Soviet revisionist military occupation but will surely continue to rise and carry on the revolutionary struggle against the Soviet revisionist leading clique and the revisionist leading clique at home, whereas by their perverse acts the Soviet revisionist leading clique and its followers will only hasten their complete downfall as well as the total collapse of the entire modern revisionist bloc. Comrades and friends! Rumania is now facing the danger of foreign intervention and aggression. The Rumanian Government is mobilizing the people to wage struggles in defence of their independence and sovereignty. The Chinese people, who have grown even stronger through the tempering of the great proletarian cultural revolution, support you. It is our firm belief that so long as one truly relies on the masses and perseveres in protracted struggle, any foreign intervention and aggression can be and certainly will be defeated. Defeat to U.S. imperialism! Defeat to Soviet revisionism! Victory to the people! Long live the friendship between the Chinese and Rumanian peoples! * * * Total Bankruptcy of Soviet Modern Revisionism by "RENMIN RIBAO" COMMENTATOR The Soviet revisionist renegade clique, at a time when the masses of the people are being hoodwinked, deployed late on the night of August 20 large numbers of aircraft, tanks and ground forces and, in a surprise attack, carried out a military occupation of Czechoslovakia. This act of naked armed intervention has brought out to the full the grisly fascist features of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique, fully revealed its extreme weakness, and proclaimed the total bankruptcy of Soviet modern revisionism. That the Soviet revisionist renegade clique has flagrantly set in motion its armed forces is the outcome of the extremely acute contradictions within the whole modern revisionist bloc. It is the result of the extremely acute contradictions between U.S. imperialism and Soviet modern revisionism in their struggle for control of Eastern Europe. It is the outcome of the collaboration between the United States and the Soviet Union in their vain attempt to redivide the world. For a long time, there have existed profound contradictions and bitter strife between the Soviet revisionist renegade clique and the revisionist cliques of the Eastern European countries. The Khrushchov revisionist renegade clique, ever since it rose to power, has most shamefully made one dirty deal after another with U.S. imperialism. Emulating the example of the Soviet revisionists, the Czechoslovak revisionist renegade clique wants to follow in their footsteps, throwing themselves into the lap of U.S. imperialism. However, the Soviet revisionists regard Eastern Europe as their own sphere of influence and forbid the Czechoslovak revisionists to have direct collaboration with U.S. imperialism. As the difficulties besetting the Soviet revisionist clique both at home and abroad are growing from day to day, the trend of disintegration within the modern revisionist bloc is coming to the surface more and more. An outstanding manifestation of this trend of development is the recent rise to power of the Dubcek revisionist clique in Czechoslovakia. In order to force the Dubcek clique into submission and bring Czechoslovakia back under the continued control of the Soviet revisionists, the Soviet revisionist ruling clique has resorted to all sorts of tough and soft tactics against the Dubcek clique. At times they used threats of force by staging military manoeuvres; at other times they arranged conferences with honey on their lips and murder in their hearts in an attempt to make the Czechoslovak revisionist leaders fall into their trap. But as the Czechoslovak revisionist renegade clique was hell-bent on establishing direct links with U.S. imperialism (and also with West Germany), all the threats and cajolery of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique failed one after another. At the end of its rope, the Soviet revisionist clique was compelled to throw away its mask and. mustering the revisionist cliques of Gomulka, Ulbricht. Kadar and Zhivkov, resorted to armed force. Thus the melodramatic dogfight within the modern revisionist bloc is being acted out on the world stage. The day after it sent its troops into Czechoslovakia, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique issued a statement through TASS. The statement is a ridiculous fig-leaf used by the Soviet revisionist clique in an attempt to cover up its disgusting features. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique claims that it sent troops into Czechoslovakia in order to "defend" the "socialist gains." What amazing gall! Who, after all, has capitulated to U.S. imperialism and ruined the socialist gains of the Soviet Union? Who has peddled Soviet modern revisionism in Eastern Europe and ruined the socialist gains of a number of European countries? You are the guilty ones, you, the worst renegades in history! It is completely useless for you to put up such a phony signboard in a vain attempt to deceive the people of Czechoslovakia, the people of the Soviet Union and of the rest of the world. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique claims that it sent troops into Czechoslovakia out of "concern for the consolidation of peace" and to preserve "the mainstays of European peace." This is sheer gangster logic of the imperialists. Is it not true that both Hitler's occupation of the Sudeten region of Czechoslovakia in the past and U.S. imperialism's present aggression against Vietnam were carried out under the flag of "defending peace"? The apprentices have learnt from their teachers. This claptrap spread by the Soviet revisionist clique is merely a cover-up in its struggle with U.S. imperialism for control of Czechoslovakia. It is nothing but putrid junk picked up from the imperialists’ garbage pails. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique also claims that its action was taken for the "unbreakable solidarity" of the "fraternal countries" and in "the interests of the security of the states of the socialist community." In that miserable mishmash of your revisionist bloc, when is your "unbreakable solidarity"? It is clearly a case of each trying to cheat and outwit the other and each going his own way. You do not really want to build any "socialist community." What you really want is to found a colonial empire with the Soviet revisionist clique as the overlord, and redivide the world in collaboration with U.S. imperialism. All those countries who are part of your "community" have to put themselves at your disposal and at your mercy, or else they will meet with disaster. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique has long ago degenerated into a gang of social-imperialists. The relations between it and the U.S. imperialists, just like the relations among all the imperialist countries, are relations of mutual collaboration and struggle. In spite of the fact that they have conflicts of interest of one kind or another, they are at one with each other in their stand against communism, against the people and against revolution. No sooner had the Soviet revisionist renegade clique ordered the troops into Czechoslovakia than it reported this action to Johnson. This gives a vivid picture of the relations between them. At a time when U.S. imperialism is having a very hard time, this action of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique in Czechoslovakia has actually done a great service to the Johnson government. Our great teacher Chairman Mao pointed out long ago: "The people of all countries, the masses of the people who comprise more than 90 per cent of the entire population, invariably want revolution and will invariably support Marxism-Leninism. They will not support revisionism. Though some people may support revisionism for a while, they will eventually cast it aside. They are bound to awaken step by step; they are bound to oppose imperialism and the reactionaries of all countries; they are bound to oppose revisionism." U.S. imperialism is a paper tiger, so are the Soviet revisionist renegade clique and the reactionaries of all countries. The ugly performance by the Soviet revisionist renegade clique at this time has further educated the Soviet people, the Czechoslovak people and the revolutionary peoples all over the world. It has helped them to see more clearly the counter-revolutionary features of the Soviet revisionist clique and its pawns, and has given an impetus to their awakening and their revolutionary struggle. The 700 million Chinese people, armed with Mao Tse-tung's thought, firmly stand on the side of the revolutionary people of the Soviet Union, of the revolutionary people of Czechoslovakia and of all the revolutionary peoples in the world who oppose imperialism, modern revisionism and the reactionaries of all countries. The Chinese people resolutely support the struggle of the peoples the world over against U.S. imperialism and Soviet modern revisionism. The Chinese people resolutely support the proletariat and all the revolutionary people in the Soviet Union, in Czechoslovakia and in the other countries under the rule of the modern revisionist cliques to rise and overthrow the modern revisionist reactionary regimes and take back the state power, so that their homelands will return to the road of the dictatorship of the proletariat and socialism. We are deeply convinced that such a day is bound to come! (August 23) * * * Beset With Difficulties at Home and Abroad and Finding Itself in Tight Corner, Soviet Revisionist Renegade Clique Blatantly Sends Troops to Occupy Czechoslovakia Acting undisguisedly like a pack of robbers, the Brezhnev-Kosygin renegade clique blatantly dispatched on August 20 massive armed forces to occupy savagely the whole of Czechoslovakia, thus committing a monstrous crime against the Czechoslovak people. This is an unprecedentedly big exposure of the hideous features of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique which is frenziedly pursuing imperialist power politics; this is a most despicable performance in the dogfight between the Soviet revisionist renegade clique and the Czechoslovak revisionist renegade clique; this is the result of the direct collusion between the Soviet revisionist renegade clique and U.S. imperialism in a vain attempt to redivide the world; this is the death-bed struggle of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique in an attempt to avert the crisis of disintegration and imminent destruction of the entire modern revisionist bloc. It reveals in full the paper-tiger nature of the Soviet revisionists. News from various sources show that, late at night on August 20, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique lining up the revisionist cliques of Poland, the G.D.R., Hungary and Bulgaria sent out simultaneously from many places a huge force of ground troops and air force units to invade Czechoslovakia. While the invasion was being carried out, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique specially instructed its Ambassador to the United States Dobrynin to personally inform the chieftain of U.S. imperialism Johnson of this act of aggression. That very night, Johnson summoned the U.S. National Security Council in emergency session to discuss this question. After the meeting, he instructed U.S. Secretary of State Rusk to call Dobrynin to the While House to hold further closed-door talks. After the troops of the Soviet revisionist clique and its flunkeys had intruded into Czechoslovak territory, the Czechoslovak revisionist clique adopted the policy of “not to offer resistance” while repeatedly calling on all the troops and people of the country to “remain calm.” Due to this, the invading troops speedily occupied the main cities and all the territory of Czechoslovakia and sealed off all its borders. Tanks, armoured cars and other military vehicles of the Soviet revisionist clique rumbled down the streets of Prague, the Czechoslovak capital, while many Soviet jet fighters circled overhead day and night. Troops of the Soviet revisionist clique controlled Prague's key roads, occupied its airport, and the broadcasting station, news agency and newspaper offices, surrounded or occupied the Czechoslovak presidential palace, the Central Committee building of the Czechoslovak revisionist Party and such key departments as the Ministries of Defence, Foreign Affairs and the Interior. According to Western news agency reports, Soviet troops detained or arrested Party and government chiefs of the Czechoslovak revisionist clique, including First Secretary of the Party's Central Committee Alexander Dubcek, Premier Oldrich Cernik, President of the National Assembly Josef Smrkovsky and Chairman of the Czech National Council Cestmir Cisar. While sending troops to invade Czechoslovakia, the Soviet revisionist renegade clique authorized TASS to issue a most hypocritical statement on August 21, shamelessly saying that their armed intrusion into Czechoslovakia was “proceeding from the principles of inseverable friendship and co-operation” and that they went there for the “defence of socialist gains” and so on and so forth in a vain attempt to create pretexts for and vindicate their naked aggression. The Czechoslovak labouring people expressed great indignation at the barbarous aggression by the Soviet revisionist renegade clique and the shameful betrayal by the Czechoslovak revisionist renegade clique. In spite of the suppression by the invading troops, they held strikes and demonstrations and called for the Soviet revisionists' aggressor troops to get out. It was reported that citizens in Prague, Bratislava and other cities clashed and came into conflict with the invading troops. Many people built barricades with buses, laid ambushes, hurled incendiary material from roofs, and used every possible means to stop the advancing tanks. Many ammunition cars and tanks were set on fire. Many a time the people surrounded and argued with the invading troops and distributed leaflets, demanding the withdrawal of the troops of the Soviet revisionists. Within the last two days, casualties on both sides run to several hundred. At present, the sounds of rifle-fire and gunshots can still be heard in these cities. This unprecedentedly barefaced armed intervention in and invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet revisionist ruling clique is the inevitable result of the revisionist line this clique has pursued for a long time. This event is a concentrated expression of the daily deepening and inextricable crises and serious contradictions within the modern revisionist bloc with Soviet revisionism as its centre, a concentrated expression of the wholesale bankruptcy of modern revisionism. For many years, the Soviet revisionist chieftains, from Khrushchov to Brezhnev, Kosygin and their ilk, have been restoring capitalism in an all-round way at home while actively playing in the international field the role of U.S. imperialism's accomplice No. 1 to suppress the revolutionary struggles of the people of the world. In their relations with Czechoslovakia and other East European revisionist countries, the Soviet revisionists have always practised big-nation chauvinism and national egoism, turning the East European countries into their dependencies and colonies, steadily tightening their control over the ruling cliques of these countries and ruthlessly oppressing and exploiting the broad masses of the people. The revisionist cliques in Eastern Europe have been doing their utmost to free themselves from the tight control of the Soviet revisionists so as to make direct deals with imperialism headed by the United States. Thus, the struggle between the Soviet revisionists and their followers in Eastern Europe is becoming more and more acute and the disintegration is intensifying daily. Making a last desperate fling, the Soviet revisionist renegades have now dispatched their troops to Czechoslovakia in the vain hope of maintaining their shattered hegemony. As early as the end of last year, the struggle among the Czechoslovak revisionists and that between the Soviet and Czechoslovak revisionist cliques had come out into the open. By energetically following the Soviet revisionists and restoring capitalism at home, Novotny, the Soviet revisionists' favourite in Czechoslovakia, brought about increasingly acute class polarization and increasingly sharp class struggle and caused grave economic difficulties in Czechoslovakia, thus arousing strong resentment and resistance among broad sections of the people. In these circumstances, the struggle within the Czechoslovak revisionist clique became sharper and sharper. Beginning from the end of last year, the faction headed by Dubcek made violent attacks on the Novotny faction and, in disregard of repeated personal interventions by Brezhnev and other Soviet revisionist chieftains, relieved Novotny of his posts, in January, as First Secretary of the Party's Central Committee and, in March, as President of the Republic and in a planned and systematic way seized Party, government and military power. To consolidate its rule, the Dubcek faction, on the one hand, made a general attempt to vindicate the freaks and monsters of the so-called "period of the personality cult" and, on the other hand, carried out a large-scale purge of the members of the Novotny faction in power. After its assumption of power, the Dubcek revisionist clique accelerated the restoration of capitalism in all spheres of endeavour still more openly at home. In foreign policy, flying the banner of “independence,” it redoubled its effort to shake off control by the Soviet revisionists and develop relations with the West by actively striving to forge “direct links.” The development of such a centrifugal trend away from the Soviet revisionist clique has greatly shaken the position of the Soviet revisionists in Czechoslovakia and vastly aggravated the contradictions between the Soviet and Czechoslovak revisionists. To maintain control over the Czechoslovak revisionists and at the same time to prevent this centrifugal trend from producing widespread chain reactions in the revisionist countries subordinate to it, the ruling Soviet revisionist clique has exerted without let-up political, economic and military pressure over the months on the Czechoslovak revisionists, in an attempt to bring them to their knees. In the last few months, the chieftains of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique, Brezhnev, Kosygin and others, have on many occasions personally gone to Prague to carry out direct intervention. They lined up the Party and government bosses of Poland, the G.D.R., Bulgaria and Hungary, and together held meetings in Dresden, Moscow and Warsaw in the latter part of March, early May and mid July to engineer political and economic sanctions against the new Czechoslovak revisionist leading clique in an attempt to bring the Dubcek clique to terms. To increase the pressure, they also sent out from the Warsaw meeting in mid July a joint letter, which is virtually an ultimatum, to the Czechoslovak revisionists. In the letter, this pack of renegades overbearingly berated the Czechoslovak revisionists for “losing control over the course of events,” described the situation as “grave” and blatantly asserted that such a situation threatened the “common vital interests” of the Soviet Union and other revisionist-controlled countries, that is, the hegemony of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique, and that therefore they could not “be indifferent and careless” in the face of such a situation, and so on and so forth. All this was meant to prepare a pretext for military intervention. Besides running hither and thither to hold secret meetings aimed at adopting a “high-handed policy” towards the Czechoslovak revisionists, the ruling Soviet revisionist clique has kept up a press offensive, unprecedented in scale, against the Czechoslovak revisionists over the past few months. Side by side with their political pressure, the Soviet revisionists have, since Dubcek came to power, kept trying to browbeat the Czechoslovak revisionists into submission by military force. They mustered their Polish, G.D.R., Bulgarian and Hungarian flunkeys to make frequent military deployments on the borders of Czechoslovakia and, in the name of the Warsaw Pact Organization, compelled the Czechoslovak revisionists to agree on the holding of “joint military manoeuvres” within the borders of Czechoslovakia in late June. In addition, they held a series of military manoeuvres under various guises near the Czechoslovak borders. During this period, the Czechoslovak revisionist chieftains and press carried on violent counter-attacks against the Soviet revisionists. The revisionist clique of Czechoslovakia simply gave no heed to the letter jointly signed by the Party and government bosses of the Soviet Union, Poland, the G.D.R., Bulgaria and Hungary. As soon as the letter was made public, the Czechoslovak revisionist chieftains openly made it clear that they were determined “not to make the slightest retreat from the path we took up in January” and demanded that the Warsaw Pact be revised so as to “guarantee equal rights to the pact's members.” In face of all these political and military pressures from the Soviet revisionists, the Czechoslovak revisionists did superficially make certain compromises, but they did not make any substantial concessions. It was in the circumstances of this deadlock that the Soviet revisionist renegades went in person to Cerna in Czechoslovakia where they held bilateral talks with the Czechoslovak revisionist chieftains from July 29 to August 1. Subsequently, on August 3, talks were again held in Bratislava among the revisionist chieftains of the six countries: the Soviet Union, Poland, the G.D.R., Bulgaria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. However, these talks did not ease the contradictions between the two sides. The reckless dispatch of troops to occupy Czechoslovakia on August 20 was the last stakes thrown in by the desperate Soviet revisionists who have landed themselves in a dilemma. The great Lenin once pointed out sharply: “The bourgeoisie are behaving like bare-faced plunderers who have lost their heads; they are committing folly after folly, thus aggravating the situation and hastening their doom.” The Soviet clique of revisionist renegades, who are bourgeois elements donning the cloak of Marxism-Leninism and socialism is today committing precisely such folly. It is generally known that the Kremlin renegades have long since completely betrayed Marxism-Leninism and socialism and have effected all-round capitalist restoration in a socialist country. They have long worked hand in glove with U.S. imperialism in their dirty business as the gendarme in suppressing the struggles of the revolutionary people of the world. Here the crimes committed by these Kremlin traitors far surpassed those committed by the Czechoslovak revisionist clique. And yet flying the banner of “friendship and co-operation,” they did not blush when they put on their ridiculous show, going to Czechoslovakia lo “defend” what they call “socialist gains.” They have brought all kinds of pressure to bear on the Czechoslovak revisionists in the last few months and finally took the adventurist step of going into direct action. In so doing, they had hoped to fill the “breach” in Czechoslovakia and strengthen their control over Eastern Europe and the whole revisionist bloc. But what the Soviet revisionist clique did has only further accelerated the split and disintegration of the revisionist bloc, landing itself in unprecedented isolation. Since this clique's armed occupation of Czechoslovakia on August 20, other revisionist Parties, apart from the Soviet revisionist clique's four servile followers who joined in the dispatch of troops to Czechoslovakia, have held emergency meetings or issued declarations expressing “indignation” towards the Soviet revisionists, or voicing “most resolute condemnation” or “serious difference of opinion.” Our great leader Chairman Mao has pointed out: It is only through repeated education by positive and negative examples and through comparisons and contrasts that revolutionary Parties and revolutionary people can temper themselves, become mature and make sure of victory. Genuine Marxist-Leninists and revolutionary people throughout the world, in particular the Marxist-Leninists and revolutionary people in Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, will receive another historical education by negative example from the new crimes of the Soviet revisionist renegades. The modern revisionists represented by the ruling Soviet revisionist clique are used to employing hypocritically revolutionary phraseology to dress themselves up, but the droning of the Soviet fighter planes over Prague and Bratislava and the rumbling of Soviet tanks through the streets of these two cities have completely torn off the sentimental veil of “internationalism,” “friendship” and “co-operation” which Brezhnev, Kosygin and their ilk draped over themselves to reveal to the full the hideous features of the Soviet revisionists — big-nation chauvinism, national egoism and imperialist jungle law. This incident will help the broad masses of the revolutionary people in the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and other countries under revisionist rule to see clearly to where the counter-revolutionary revisionist line is leading their countries, thus enhancing their new political awakening. All genuine Communists and the broad masses of revolutionary people in these countries will certainly rise in struggle, thoroughly smash the reactionary rule of the revisionist cliques in their own countries and settle accounts with the Soviet revisionist renegade clique for its monstrous crimes. The great red banner of socialism and communism will surely fly over these countries once again! (Hsinhua report, August 22)
Související články: (ČR - rok 1968) Praľské jaro mohlo prokázat přednosti „socialismu s lidskou tváří“ (12.09.2018) Sovětská revizionistická renegátská klika bezostyąně posílá jednotky k okupaci Československa (10.09.2018) Praľské jaro i jeho dozvuky a ohlasy na stránkách SDS (26.08.2018) Rezignace presidenta republiky (19.04.2018) Desatero pro okupovaného intelektuála (01.03.2018) Čím začít? (Po lednu 1968) (28.02.2018) Začátek byl nenápadný (30.12.2017) Srpen 1968 (27.08.2017) Ohlédnutí za rokem 1968 - rekapitulace článků ze starého webu (21.08.2017) Stanovisko Výkonného výboru KSČS k 21. srpnu 1968 (21.08.2017) Projev Oldřicha Černíka po návratu z Moskvy (21.08.2013) Rok 1968 - v Čechách vľdy s humorem ... (20.08.2013) "Velké tajemství" 60. let? (06.05.2009) Od odsouzení k "hořké nutnosti". 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Novotného (17.06.2008) Hodina pravdy (16.06.2008) Rezoluce o současné situaci a dalším postupu KSČ (16.06.2008) Československo: Dubčekova přestávka (11.06.2008) Tak váľně: Co konkrétně? (09.06.2008) Demokracie a socialismus se podmiňují (06.06.2008) Co je to socialismus? (06.06.2008) Diskuse v předsednictvu ÚV KSČ v květnu 1968 (4) (13.05.2008) Diskuse v předsednictvu ÚV KSČ v květnu 1968 (3) (13.05.2008) Diskuse v předsednictvu ÚV KSČ v květnu 1968 (2) (13.05.2008) Diskuse v předsednictvu ÚV KSČ v květnu 1968 (13.05.2008) Čím byla a co znamenala ekonomická reforma šedesátých let? (13.05.2008) Projev J. Smrkovského 29. srpna 1968 (12.05.2008) Bude-li to nutné, dělnická třída uslyší hlas svých přátel (2) (06.05.2008) Bude-li to nutné, dělnická třída uslyší hlas svých přátel (06.05.2008) Výzva dějinám (30.04.2008) O provázku (28.04.2008) Prohlášení vlády z roku 1968 (2) (28.04.2008) Prohlášení vlády z roku 1968 (28.04.2008) Vaše nynější krize (24.04.2008) Všechno, co konáme, je pro člověka (22.04.2008) Náboľenství a socialismus (17.04.2008) Národní fronta nebo parlament? (16.04.2008) Češi se k roku 1968 nehlásí? (15.04.2008) Jiří Pelikán o Jaru (14.04.2008) Jiří Dolejš: Pražské jaro 1968 z pohledu KSČM (13.04.2008) Obrana socialismu, nejvyšší internacionální povinnost (10.04.2008) Akční program KSČ (3) (09.04.2008) Akční program KSČ (2) (09.04.2008) Akční program KSČ (09.04.2008) Žádná nostalgie (08.04.2008) Nástup československé reformy a její potlačení (1962—1986) (08.04.2008) Sektářství není program (31.03.2008) Neříkám nic jiného (31.03.2008) KSČM k výročí 21. srpna 1968 (23.02.2008) K úspěchu potřebujeme odpovědné občany a vůdčí osobnosti (14.01.2008) Kosygin - hlavní inženýr SSSR (02.09.2007) Co je společné pro ekonomické reformy v roce 1968 a dnes (27.08.2007) Projev dr. Gustáva Husáka 28. srpna 1968 (23.08.2007) Emigrace v podstatě nejsou k ničemu (14.07.2007) Všechno bylo a je jinak (12.07.2007) „Osmašedesátý“ - legendy a skutečnost (12.07.2007) Vsjo budět blagopolučno (18.04.2007) V roli „zachránce“ socialismu (03.11.2006) Zákon 109/1968 Sb. - Usnesení Národního shromáždění ze dne 10. července 1968 (11.05.2006) Ústavní zákon č. 77/1968 Sb. ze dne 24. června 1968 (11.05.2006) Projev před volbou České národní rady (11.05.2006) Reformně komunistická koncepce překonání krize sovětského systému a pokus o její uskutečnění v Československu 1968 (08.04.2006) Antonín Novotný ke svému odchodu z vrcholné politiky (04.01.2006) Zpráva o zasedání ÚV KSČ (04.01.2006) Hodnocení roku 1968 (20.11.2005) Štrougal, nebo Husák? váhali Rusové po okupaci (20.11.2005) Okupanti nás obsadili! (21.08.2005) Minulost a budoucnost (31.07.2005) Deset bodů (23.07.2005) 37 let od pražského jara (15.07.2005) 12. července 1968 (15.07.2005) Nová levice v Československu: rozhovor s Jiřinou Šiklovou (01.06.2005) Stát odškodní oběti okupace z roku 1968 (03.05.2005) Dva tisíce slov (02.04.2005) Většina Slováků stále za Dubčekem (27.01.2005) Československé jaro 1968 (12.01.2005) Lidská tvář - A. Dubček (1921-1992) (08.01.2005) K socialismu s lidskou tváří (20.05.2002) Celý článek | Autor: administrator | Počet komentářů: 0 | Přidat komentář | |
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